Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

Below you can find the Terms & Conditions of the 17B shop online store in which we include information about how to place an order, conclusion of a sales contract, delivery and payments available in store, procedure for withdrawal from the contract or complaint proceedings.

The shop belongs to Stride and Sadler AS, Grensen 17, 0159, Oslo, Org.no. NO 929655249

You can contact us at any time by sending a message to our e-mail address kontakt@17b.no

Greetings and enjoy your shopping
The 17b shop online store team

§ 1


For the purposes of these Terms & Conditions, the following meaning is taken the following terms_

  1. Buyer– a natural person, legal person or disabled person Legal

  2. Consumer – natural person who has at least a limited capacity to conduct legal acts under the polish civil law and 18 years of age, as well as a legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which has legal capacity to act

  3. Terms & Conditions – these Terms & Conditions, available at https_//17b.no/terms-conditions

  4. Shop – online store operating at https_//17b.no

  5. Seller§ 2 Stride and Sadler AS, Grensen 17, 0159, Oslo, Org.no. NO 929655249

Preliminary provisions

  1. Through the Store, the Seller conducts sales at the same time providing services to Buyers via Internet. Through the Store, the Buyer may make purchase of products displayed on the Store’s website.

  2. These Regulations define the Terms & Conditions of using the Store, as well as rights and obligations of the Seller and Buyers.


  3. It is forbidden to use the Store to provide unlawful content, in particular by sending such content via forms available in the Store.

  4. All product prices listed on the Store’s website include tax.

§ 3

Services provided electronically

  1. Through the Store, the Seller provides the buyer with services provided electronically.

  2. The basic service provided electronically to The Buyer by the Seller is to enable the Buyer to place an order in the Store. Placing an order is possible without the need of creating an account in the store.

  3. If the Buyer decides to set up an account in the Store, the Seller also provides the service of creating and maintaining an Account in the Store for the Buyer. Buyer’s data and the order history is stored in the Buyer’s Account. The Buyer logs in to the Account using his/hers e-mail address and chosen password.

  4. Opening an account in the Store is done by completing and sending, the registration form. When you submit the registration form, a contract is concluded between the Buyer and the Seller for keeping an account in the store. The contract is concluded for indefinite period, and the Buyer may terminate this contract with immediate effect at any time by deleting his/hers account.

  5. Services are provided electronically to the Buyer for free. On the other hand, the concluded sales contracts are charged via the Store

  6. In order to ensure the safety of the Buyer and the transfer of data in connection with the use of the Store, the Seller takes appropriate technical and organizational steps to the degree of danger for the security of the services provided, in particular measures in preventing the collection and modification of personal data by unauthorized persons.

  7. The Seller undertakes actions to ensure proper functioning of the Store. The buyer should inform the Seller about any irregularities or breaks in the functioning of the Store.

  8. All complaints related to the functioning of the Store, the Buyer may submit via e-mail to kontakt@17b.no In the complaint, the Buyer should provide name and surname, correspondence address as well as type and date of the occurrence of irregularities related to the functioning of the Store. The Seller will consider all complaints up to 14 days from receival of the complaint and inform the customer about the resolution to the e-mail address of the person lodging the complaint.

§ 4


  1. The Buyer can place an order as a registered customer or as a guest.

  2. A registered customer is a Buyer who has an account in Shop. The Buyer can set up an account while submitting orders.

  3. In order to place an order, the Buyer is obliged to take the following steps_

    1. choose the product or products being subject of the order by clicking the “Add to cart” button,

    2. from the cart view, click on the “Proceed to checkout” or „Checkout”

    3. log in to his/hers account in the Store, continue as “Guest” or create an account in the store – not applicable to the Buyer, who logged in to his account before placing an order,

    4. provide the address for shipping the order and the invoice details – if the Buyer has previously added certain details to the account, he may choose this data without having to refill it or give other details

    5. choose the method of delivery and payment for the order

    6. read the Terms & Conditions and accept it – Buyer accepts the Terms & Conditions only if he/she has read its content and actually accepts its provisions; acceptance of Terms & Conditions are voluntary, but necessary to submit orders

    7. Click on the “Proceed to checkout” button.

  4. If the buyer chose the payment method for the order in the form of payment via via Stripe and will finish the payment.

  5. The Buyer must provide true data in the order form. The Buyer is responsible for the application of false personal data. Seller reserves the right to suspend the execution of the order in a situation where the Buyer gave false data or when the data arouses reasonable doubts as to their correctness. In this case, the Buyer will be informed by phone or by e-mail about doubts of the Seller. In such a situation, the Buyer has the right to explain all circumstances connected with verifying the truthfulness of the provided data. In the absence of the data allowing the Seller to make contact with the Buyer, the Seller will provide all explanations after the contact by the Buyer.

  6. The Buyer declares that all the data provided by him in the order form is real, the Seller is not is obliged to verify their truthfulness and correctness, although he has such permission in accordance with paragraph 6 above.

§ 5

Delivery forms and payment methods

  1. The Buyer has the following forms of delivery to choose from_

    1. shipment via Local post – cost dependent on the order, approximate delivery time_ 5 working days from the moment of order completion, depending on country of recidence.

    2. personal collection within 5 km range of Oslo City.

  2. The cost of delivery shall be paid by the Buyer, unless the Seller specifies differently in the Store. Personal collection is not associated with any additional delivery costs for the Buyer.

  3. The buyer has the following payment methods to choose from ordered products_

    1. payment via Stripe

§ 6

Execution of the order

  1. After placing the order by the Buyer in accordance with the procedure described in § 4 of the Terms & Conditions, the Buyer will receive an order confirmation to the e-mail address provided in the order form.

  2. Order processing consists in its preparation for shipment to Buyer or for personal collection by the Buyer. The order is considered completed when the order is ready for shipment or for collection by the Buyer.

  3. Order processing time is up to 7 business days.

  4. Order processing time is counted from the time of payment for the order.

  5. After completing the order, the Seller will send a confirmation of order fulfillment to the e-mail address of the Buyer and will start shipping the order to the Buyer or notify the Buyer about the possibility of collecting a personal order.

  6. The shipment of the order to the Buyer is effected in a manner chosen by the Buyer in accordance with § 4 para. 1 of the Terms & Conditions.

  7. The time of delivery of the order to the Buyer depends on the chosen method of dispatch by the Buyer is counted from the date of the order completion in accordance with § 6 para. 3 of the Terms & Conditions.

§ 7

Withdrawal from the consumer contract

  1. A consumer who concluded a distance contract with the Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the day he/she takes possession of the purchased items.

  2. The right to withdraw from the contract is not entitled in relation to agreement_

    1. in which the object of the benefit is the item non-prefabricated, manufactured according to specifications from the consumer or to satisfy his/hers individualized needs.

    2. in which the subject of the benefits are things that after delivery, due to their nature, remain inseparably connected with other things.

    3. for delivering digital content that is not saved on material carrier, if the fulfillment of the service began with the express consent of the consumer before the deadline for withdraw from the contract and after informing it by an entrepreneur about losing the right to withdraw from the contract.

  3. To withdraw from the contract, the consumer must inform the Seller about his decision to withdraw from the contract on the way of unambiguous statement – for example, a letter sent by email.

  4. To keep the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is enough for the consumer to send an information regarding the exercise of the right the consumer has to withdraw from the contract before its expiry deadline to withdraw from the contract.

  5. The consumer is obliged to return the product to the Seller or hand it over to the person authorized by the Seller for pickup immediately, but no later than 14 days from the date on which he rescinded the contract, unless the Seller suggested that he himself will pick up the item. It is enough to return the product before the deadline to comply with the deadline.

  6. Consumer bears the direct cost of returning the item.

  7. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller returns Consumer all payments received from the Consumer also the cheapest product delivery cost available in the store (if the cost has been covered by the Consumer) immediately, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller became informed about the execution of the right to withdraw from the contract. Return payment will be made using the same methods of payments that were used by the Consumer in the original transaction unless the Consumer has explicitly agreed to the other solution. In any case, the Consumer will not bear any fees due to the form of payment reimbursement.

  8. If the Seller did not offer to pick up the item from Consumer, the Seller may withhold the return of payment received from the Consumer until receipt of items from return or delivery by the Consumer of the proof referrals, depending on which event occurs first.

  9. Consumer bears responsibility for the decrease in value product resulting from using the product in a way beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and product functioning.

  10. The Consumer bears responsibility to return the products in the same state as he/she received them, if possible in original packaging.

§ 8

Responsibility for defects

  1. The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with a product free from defects.

  2. The Seller is responsible to the Buyer if the product sold has a physical or legal defect (warranty for disadvantages).

  3. If the product sold has a defect, the Buyer may_

    1. request replacement of the product for one free from defects,

    2. demand removal of the defect,

    3. submit a price reduction statement,

    4. submit a statement of withdrawal from the contract.

  4. If the Buyer finds a product defect, he should inform the Seller about it, while determining its claim related with a defect found or by submitting a statement of relevant content.

  5. The Buyer may contact the Seller by e-mail.

  6. The Seller will address the complaint submitted by the Buyer Complaints within 14 days from the date of delivery of the complaint by means of communication using which the complaint was filed.

  7. Details of the Seller’s warranty for defects are governed by the provisions of Norwegian law.

§ 9

Personal data and cookies

Rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies is included in the privacy policy available at https_ // ……………

§ 10

Out-of-court ways to handle complaints and investigations claims

  1. The Seller agrees to submit any disputes resulting from the sale of goods by way of proceeding mediation. Details will be determined by the parties to the conflict.

  2. The consumer has the option of using extrajudicial methods examining complaints and pursuing claims. Among others, The consumer has the option of_

    1. turn to a permanent amicable consumer court with a request to resolve the dispute resulting from the concluded sales contract

    2. contact the provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings on the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Buyer and the Seller,

    3. use the help of a municipal spokesperson of the consumer rights or social organization to whom statutory tasks include consumer protection.

  3. The consumer may also use the ODR platform, which is available at the address http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr . The platform serves the purpose of settling disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs seeking a non-judicial resolution of the dispute regarding contractual obligations arising from the Internet sales contracts or contracts for the provision of services.

§ 11

Final Provisions

  1. The Seller reserves the right to enter and cancel offers, promotions and changing prices of products in Store without prejudice to the rights acquired by the Buyer, including in particular, the terms of contracts concluded before making changes.

  2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes in Terms & Conditions. For contracts concluded before the amendment of the Terms & Conditions, it applies Terms & Conditions applicable on the date of conclusion of the contract.

  3. Buyers who have an account in the Store will be notified by e-mail with each change of the Terms & Conditions to the e-mail address mail assigned to the account. If you do not accept the new content of the Terms & Conditions, the Buyer has the right at any time to terminate the account agreement by deleting the account or submitting to the Seller an appropriate statement, in any form, termination of the account agreement.

  4. These Terms & Conditions shall apply from 19.06.2022

  5. All archival versions of the Terms & Conditions are available on request.

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